in my head

in my head

Mental Landscapes Illustration: The Transformation of Thoughts

This illustration depicts an open human head, revealing an inner world filled with diverse landscapes. One half of the brain is lush with green trees and a waterfall, while the other half shows a volcano and a barren tree, symbolizing aridity. The pastel tones, predominantly green and pink, give the artwork a modern and minimalist look.

Meaning of the Illustration
Our daily thoughts, actions, and habits shape our brains. They create lush landscapes full of vital energy or barren deserts where change seems impossible. This powerful visual image accompanies a hypothetical magazine article, emphasizing the importance of cultivating positive thoughts and constructive actions.

This illustration is perfect for magazine articles on psychology, personal growth, mindfulness, and mental well-being. It can also be used in blogs, coaching and personal development websites, and educational materials.

How to Purchase
To purchase this illustration or commission a personalized one, please email me at
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